- Each
cell is square or rectangular, lacks gas vesicles, and has thylakoids
parallel to the longitudinal cell axis. The apical cells are rounded.
The cell walls have rows of perforations on the concave
The cross walls are not constricted and are only visible with
the aid of staining techniques. The filaments move with a rapid
rotating motion.
- Spirulina
and moves very similar to Oscillatoria, but has coiled
filaments. The trichomes are cylindrical, loosely or tightly
- coiled,
varied in length, and colored blue-green, olive green, gray-green,
brown, red, or violet.
- They
may be solitary or in mucilaginous mats,
- and
coiled filaments are often attached together. Individual filaments
do not have mucilage sheaths, although some mats produce slime.