Microspora Thuret
From Greek mikros, "small" + spora, "spore"
Microspora is an unbranched, filamentous green alga with cylindrical or swollen cells. The ends of the filaments often have holdfast cells to attach to the substrate. The cell wall is is made up of H- shaped pieces of open cylinders with intermediate septa, which overlap to enclose the protoplast of each cell. Microspora has parietal, reticulate chloroplasts that lack pyrenoids and contain starch. Microspora is similar in morphology to Tribonema, which has at least two pale green or golden disklike chloroplasts that do not contain starch.
The phylogeny of Microspora is somewhat uncertain, and further molecular research would help to clarify its taxonomic placement.
The cell wall is composed of interlocking H-shaped
pieces that separate the filaments into individual cells.